Getting Started

Installing the Gremlin Agent

In order to use Gremlin on your systems, you'll need to install the Gremlin Agent. The Gremlin Agent is an executable that you install onto the resources you wish to run tests on (i.e. hosts, containers, and Kubernetes clusters). The Gremlin Agent authenticates with Gremlin's backend servers (also called the Gremlin Control Plane), which then allows you to use the Gremlin web app, REST API, or CLI to view your systems and run tests.

Environment-specific instructions

Visit the page specific to the environment you are working with for detailed instructions:


Virtual machines / bare metal

Container runtimes

Additional considerations

Installing Gremlin on an AWS VPC (configuring security groups and network ACLs)

Installing Gremlin to AWS (and similar firewalled systems) requires additional steps to allow network traffic to and from the Gremlin API. For details, see Installing Gremlin on AWS.

Note that these instructions only cover the Gremlin API. Webhooks and Health Checks use a different set of IP addresses, which you can find on their respective links.

Gremlin Agent Installation Directory Recommendations

Avoid installing the Agent on a network-based filesystem to prevent latency and connectivity issues. Installing on a locally mounted filesystem improves performance and reliability, and reduces the risk of data loss.

Installing Gremlin alongside service meshes (e.g. Istio)

The Gremlin Agent can be safely installed alongside service meshes such as Istio. Gremlin orchestrates network tests without modifying your service mesh's rules or configuration through the use of sidecar containers. This diagram shows how Gremlin applies traffic filtering without modifying Istio:

Installing Gremlin behind a firewall

When using features like Health Checks and Webhooks, Gremlin requires you to specify an external endpoint. Normally, Gremlin expects these endpoints to be accessible over the public Internet, but there may be cases where you have an endpoint behind a firewall. For example, you may have a web application hosted in a private network and want to monitor its status using Health Checks. Gremlin provides a feature called Private Network Integrations, which lets you securely connect Gremlin to these private endpoints without exposing them to the public Internet. Visit the Private Network Integration documentation to learn how to get started.

Authenticating Gremlin

Once you've installed the Gremlin Agent, continue to Authentication.

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Installing the Gremlin Agent
Authenticating the Gremlin Agent
Configuring the Gremlin Agent
Managing the Gremlin Agent
Health Checks
Command Line Interface
Updating Gremlin
Reliability Management (RM) Quick Start Guide
Services and Dependencies
Detected Risks
Reliability Tests
Reliability Score
Failure Flags Overview
Deploying Failure Flags on AWS Lambda
Deploying Failure Flags on AWS ECS
Deploying Failure Flags on Kubernetes
Classes, methods, & attributes
API Keys
Container security
Additional Configuration for Helm
Amazon CloudWatch Health Check
AppDynamics Health Check
Blackhole Experiment
CPU Experiment
Certificate Expiry
Custom Health Check
Custom Load Generator
DNS Experiment
Datadog Health Check
Disk Experiment
Dynatrace Health Check
Grafana Cloud Health Check
Grafana Cloud K6
IO Experiment
Install Gremlin on Kubernetes manually
Install Gremlin on OpenShift 4
Installing Gremlin on AWS - Configuring your VPC
Installing Gremlin on Kubernetes with Helm
Installing Gremlin on Windows
Installing Gremlin on a virtual machine
Installing the Failure Flags SDK
Latency Experiment
Memory Experiment
Network Tags
New Relic Health Check
Fault Injection Overview
Getting Started Overview
Reliability Management Overview
Resources Overview
Security Overview
Packet Loss Attack
PagerDuty Health Check
Preview: Gremlin in Kubernetes Restricted Networks
Private Network Integration Agent
Process Collection
Process Killer Experiment
Prometheus Health Check
Configuring Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
Running Failure Flags experiments
Scheduling Scenarios
Shared Scenarios
Shutdown Experiment
Time Travel Experiment
Troubleshooting Gremlin on OpenShift
User Authentication via SAML and Okta
Managing Users and Teams
Integration Agent for Linux
Test Suites
Restricting Testing Times
Process Exhaustion Experiment
Enabling DNS collection
Authenticating Users with Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) via SAML
AWS Quick Start Guide
Installing Gremlin on Amazon ECS
Quick Start Guides Overview
Platform Overview
API Reference Overview
Release Notes Overview