Welcome to the Gremlin documentation!

Gremlin Documentation

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Welcome to the Gremlin documentation!

Getting started

New to Gremlin? Check out our quick start guides:

Alternatively, start at the Getting Started section in the left-hand navigation menu. If you are looking for documentation specific to Gremlin Fault Injection (FI), see the Fault Injection overview.

How to navigate the documentation

You can use the left-hand menu to browse through topics, or use the search box at the top of the page to search for a specific topic. The documentation site consists of the following sections:

  • Getting Started: How to get started using Gremlin, including how to install and deploy the Gremlin Agent.
  • Platform: How to use various aspects of the Gremlin platform.
  • Reliability Management: How to use the functionality specific to Gremlin Reliability Management (RM).
  • Fault Injection: How to use the functionality specific to Gremlin Fault Injection (FI).
  • API Reference: Complete documentation on the Gremlin REST API.
  • Security: Additional information about Gremlin's security practices.
  • Release Notes: Release notes for the Gremlin Agent and platform.
  • Resources: Additional resources to help you use Gremlin.