DORA will take effect on January 17, 2025.

Are you ready for DORA?

Enacted by the European Union, the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) establishes stringent standards for digital operational resilience in the financial sector. DORA changes the financial sector's approach to digital security and resilience by imposing stringent ICT risk management, incident reporting, third-party risk management, and regular testing.

Gremlin automates resilience testing through our Reliability Management Platform— helping organizations meet DORA requirements easily and efficiently.

Start preparing for DORA today.

The 4 key pillars of DORA:

The Digital Operational Resilience Testing pillar is where resilience and reliability platforms like Gremlin come into the spotlight. With an evolving digital landscape, it's crucial to have tools that not only address present challenges but are agile enough to adapt to future ones, particularly for sectors as dynamic and critical as finance.

ICT Risk Management & Governance
ICT Incident Reporting & Information Sharing
Management of Third-Party ICT Risk
Digital Operational Resilience Testing

What Gremlin Offers:

Gremlin includes pre-built test scenarios designed to meet the unique challenges of the financial sector, automated evidence gathering for stress-free compliance, and comprehensive, organization-wide reporting that provides a 360-degree view of your system's resilience risks and governance.

Resiliency Testing

Simulate potential ICT issues with fault injection experiments and reliability tests to proactively identify system vulnerabilities.

Resiliency Reporting

Meet DORA’s anticipated reporting requirements with data-backed evidence of your digital operational resilience.

Organizational Resilience Exercises

Train your incident response teams through real-world simulation exercises to ensure you have the right monitors, people, and runbooks in place.

How you can start preparing for DORA:

Define and build test scenarios

Gremlin's platform allows you to create a range of tailored tests, including scenarios based on past incidents that have impacted your organization, common disaster scenarios within the financial sector, and industry best practices.

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Operationalize resilience testing

Gremlin is distinct in its capability to operationalize resilience testing across large organizations and diverse technologies. It’s extensive integrations with observability tools minimize the need for manual oversight, providing a clear pass/fail result on your tests. This allows you to shift from ad-hoc, manual testing to a more systematic, organization-wide approach.

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Automate reporting and evidence gathering

Gremlin helps you gather evidence of compliance with its automated reporting capabilities. This ensures that you’re not just meeting internal benchmarks, but are also able to provide data-backed proof of your ICT resilience.

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Want to learn more?

Download Gremlin's Brief on DORA Resilience Testing