
Grafana Cloud Health Check

These instructions are for adding a Grafana Cloud monitor as a health check. If you're looking for adding Grafana Cloud K6 for load testing, see Grafana Cloud K6.

The Alert Rule URL must point to an alert rule relevant to the Service you are creating in Gremlin. You can get this from the Alert page in the Grafana Cloud web app. See Grafana Alerting in the Grafana Cloud documentation for more information.

To add a Grafana Cloud Health Check:

  1. Open the Health Checks page in the Gremlin web app, click + Health Check, then select Grafana Cloud from the Integrations drop-down.
  2. If Grafana Cloud is already authenticated, continue to step 3. Otherwise, follow these steps:
  3. ^Enter your Grafana Cloud domain in the API Base URL text box. The full URL should appear similar to:<span class="code-class-custom"> https://example.grafana.net/</span>
  4. ^In the Authentication section, paste your Grafana Cloud API key into the API key text box.
  5. ^Click Authenticate Observability Tool. To validate the endpoint with the added header, Gremlin calls the following API: <span class="code-class-custom">https://<your_domain>.grafana.net/api/alertmanager/grafana/api/v2/alerts</span>
  6. ^If the authentication passes, click Save Authentication, then click Next.
  7. In the Grafana Cloud web app, navigate to the Alert page and copy the URL of the rule you want to use.
  8. Back in the Gremlin web app, enter the URL into the Entity URL text box. For example, <span class="code-class-custom">https://example.grafana.net/alerting/grafana/107Vz/view</span>
  9. Click Test Health Check. Gremlin will look at the response body and verify that the rule has no alerts in a <span class="code-class-custom">Firing</span> state. A value of <span class="code-class-custom">Normal</span> for the State field will evaluate as successful.
  10. Click Create Health Check.
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Authenticating the Gremlin Agent
Configuring the Gremlin Agent
Managing the Gremlin Agent
Health Checks
Command Line Interface
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